Homepage www.FreeRTOS.org Free RTOS AVR, PIC, x86
Microcontroller performance comparison, AVR, PIC, x86, Rabbit
Free RTOS implementation details with source code
This section provides the results of timing tests performed on the prototyping boards on which the FreeRTOS real time kernel ports were developed (excluding the Rabbit 2000 performance results, for which there is no RTOS port).
The source code used to obtain the test results was identical for each embedded system tested - allowing the results to be used as a basis for judging the relative performance of each test system. All the presented timing results were obtained using the same digital oscilloscope.
The phrase 'test system' is used to encompass the chosen test hardware (prototyping board or single board computer), operating at a particular clock frequency and programmed using particular C development tools.
Currently tests are presented for LPC2106 (ARM7), Cygnal (8051 instruction set clone), PIC, AVR, Rabbit and RDC (AMD 186 clone)
microcontrollers. Others will follow shortly.