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[Co-Routine Specific]

void crDELAY( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, TickType_t xTicksToDelay )

crDELAY is a macro. The data types in the prototype above are shown for reference only.

Delay a co-routine for a fixed period of time.

crDELAY can only be called from the co-routine function itself - not from within a function called by the co-routine function. This is because co-routines do not maintain their own stack.

xHandle The handle of the co-routine to delay. This is the xHandle parameter of the co-routine function.
xTickToDelay The number of ticks that the co-routine should delay for. The actual amount of time this equates to is defined by configTICK_RATE_HZ (set in FreeRTOSConfig.h). The constant portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert ticks to milliseconds.
Example usage:

 // Co-routine to be created.
 void vACoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, 
 UBaseType_t uxIndex )
 // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain 
 // value across a blocking call. This may not be necessary for const 
 // variables. We are to delay for 200ms.
 static const xTickType xDelayTime = 200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;

     // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();
     crSTART( xHandle );

     for( ;; )
        // Delay for 200ms.
        crDELAY( xHandle, xDelayTime );

        // Do something here.

     // Must end every co-routine with a call to crEND();

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