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[Timer API]

 BaseType_t xTimerStopFromISR
                 TimerHandle_t xTimer,
                 BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken

A version of xTimerStop() that can be called from an interrupt service routine.

xTimer   The handle of the timer being stopped.
pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken   The timer service/daemon task spends most of its time in the Blocked state, waiting for messages to arrive on the timer command queue. Calling xTimerStopFromISR() writes a message to the timer command queue, so has the potential to transition the timer service/daemon task out of the Blocked state. If calling xTimerStopFromISR() causes the timer service/daemon task to leave the Blocked state, and the timer service/ daemon task has a priority equal to or greater than the currently executing task (the task that was interrupted), then *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken will get set to pdTRUE internally within the xTimerStopFromISR() function. If xTimerStopFromISR() sets this value to pdTRUE, then a context switch should be performed before the interrupt exits.
pdFAIL will be returned if the stop command could not be sent to the timer command queue. pdPASS will be returned if the command was successfully sent to the timer command queue. When the command is actually processed will depend on the priority of the timer service/daemon task relative to other tasks in the system. The timer service/daemon task priority is set by the configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY configuration constant.
Example usage:

/* This scenario assumes xTimer has already been created and started.  When
an interrupt occurs, the timer should be simply stopped. */

/* The interrupt service routine that stops the timer. */
void vAnExampleInterruptServiceRoutine( void )
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;

    /* The interrupt has occurred - simply stop the timer.
    xHigherPriorityTaskWoken was set to pdFALSE where it was defined
    (within this function).  As this is an interrupt service routine, only
    FreeRTOS API functions that end in "FromISR" can be used. */
    if( xTimerStopFromISR( xTimer, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) != pdPASS )
        /* The stop command was not executed successfully.  Take appropriate
        action here. */

    /* If xHigherPriorityTaskWoken equals pdTRUE, then a context switch
    should be performed.  The syntax required to perform a context switch
    from inside an ISR varies from port to port, and from compiler to
    compiler.  Inspect the demos for the port you are using to find the
    actual syntax required. */
    if( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken != pdFALSE )
        /* Call the interrupt safe yield function here (actual function
        depends on the FreeRTOS port being used). */

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