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Interrupt Driven Zero Copy Transfer Mode

[FreeRTOS+IO Transfer Modes]

Data Direction

The interrupt driven zero copy transfer mode can be used with FreeRTOS_write().


ioconfigUSE_ZERO_COPY_TX must be set to 1 in FreeRTOSIOConfig.h for the zero copy transfer mode to be available. It must also be explicitly enabled for the peripheral being used within the same configuration file.

When the zero copy transfer mode is selected, FreeRTOS_write() does not write bytes directly to the peripheral. Instead the total number of bytes to write and a pointer to the first byte are stored inside the FreeRTOS+IO driver. The peripheral's interrupt service routine then uses these values to perform the actual write operation. Bytes are copied directly from the supplied buffer to the peripheral's registers, without being stored in any intermediary queue or buffer.

The FreeRTOS+IO driver creates and manages a mutex to ensure only one task can perform a zero copy write at a time. The mutex must be obtained before a task can start a zero copy write. The mutex is obtained using a FreeRTOS_ioctl() call with the ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX request code. The FreeRTOS_ioctl() return value must be checked to see if the mutex was obtained successfully before calling FreeRTOS_write(). Calls to FreeRTOS_write() will fail if they are made by a task that is not the mutex holder.

Zero copy writes are performed by the FreeRTOS+IO interrupt service routine. It is likely that the interrupt service routine will continue to access the buffer being written for a period of time after the call to FreeRTOS_write() that started the write operation has returned. The buffer must not be reused or in any way corrupted until the interrupt service routine has completed the write operation. The FreeRTOS_ioctl() ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX and ioctlWAIT_PREVIOUS_WRITE_COMPLETE request codes can be used for this purpose.

A task that holds the mutex, but does not perform a FreeRTOS_write(), must manually release the mutex by calling FreeRTOS_ioctl() with the request code set to ioctlRELEASE_WRITE_MUTEX.

The interrupt service routine and write mutex are implemented by the FreeRTOS+IO code, and do not need to be provided by the application writer.

Interrupt Driven Zero Copy Transfer Mode
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Automatically places the calling task into the Blocked state to wait for the write mutex to become available. This ensures the task calling FreeRTOS_write() only uses CPU time when it actually has access to the peripheral.
  • Calls to FreeRTOS_write() return immediately, allowing the calling task to perform other operations while the transmission is in progress.
  • Bytes are moved directly from the buffer supplied as a parameter in the FreeRTOS_write() call to the peripheral registers by the interrupt service routine. No additional RAM is required, and no additional copying of data is required, making this a very efficient write method.
  • The use of the write mutex means mutual exclusion is built into the FreeRTOS+IO driver.
  • More complex usage model.

The ioctlUSE_ZERO_COPY_TX request code is used in a call to FreeRTOS_ioctl() to configure a peripheral to use the interrupt driven zero copy transfer mode for writes. Note this request code will result in the peripheral's interrupt being enabled, and the peripheral's interrupt priority being set to the lowest possible. The ioctlSET_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY request code can be used to raise the peripheral's priority if necessary.

Example Usage

Examples are also provided on the FreeRTOS_write() API function documentation page.

/* FreeRTOS+IO includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS_IO.h"

void vAFunction( void )
/* The Peripheral_Descriptor_t type is the FreeRTOS+IO equivalent of a descriptor. */
Peripheral_Descriptor_t xOpenedPort;
BaseType_t xReturned;
const uint32_t ulMaxBlock100ms = ( 100UL / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );

    /* Open the SPI port identified in the board support package as using the
    path string "/SPI2/".  The second parameter is not currently used and can
    be set to anything, although, for future compatibility, it is recommended 
    that it is set to NULL. */
    xOpenedPort = FreeRTOS_open( "/SPI2/", NULL );

    if( xOpenedPort != NULL )
        /***************** Configure the port *********************************/
        /* xOpenedPort now contains a valid descriptor that can be used with
        other FreeRTOS+IO API functions.  
        Peripherals default to using Polled mode for both reads and  writes.
        Change from the default to use the interrupt driven zero copy transfer
        mode for writing.  The third FreeRTOS_ioctl() parameter is not used and
        can take any value - although it is recommended to set the value to NULL
        for future compatibility.  A successful FreeRTOS_ioctl() call will return 
        pdPASS, for simplicity, this example does not show the return value being 
        checked. */
        FreeRTOS_ioctl( xOpenedPort, ioctlUSE_ZERO_COPY_TX, NULL );

        /***************** Use the port ***************************************/
        /* As the zero copy transfer mode is being used, the write mutex must
        be obtained before FreeRTOS_write() is called. The following call will
        attempt to obtain the mutex.  If the mutex is not immediately available,
        then the calling task will be placed into the Blocked state to wait for
        it, but the task will not wait longer than 100ms.  If the task is 
        successful in obtaining the mutex in that time, FreeRTOS_ioctl() will
        return pdPASS, otherwise FreeRTOS_ioctl() will return pdFAIL. */
        xReturned = FreeRTOS_ioctl( xOpenedPort, ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX, ulMaxBlock100ms );
        if( xReturned == pdTRUE )
            /* The mutex was successfully obtained, now a FreeRTOS_write() can
            be performed.  This call will send 100 bytes from ucBuffer.  ucBuffer
            is assumed to be defined outside of this function. */
            xReturned = FreeRTOS_write( xOpenedPort, ucBuffer, 100 );
            if( xReturned == 100 )
                /* The write was successful BUT will not yet have completed. The
                peripheral's interrupt service routine will be accessing ucBuffer,
                but this task is free to do anything else it needs to do at this
                point - provided the data in ucBuffer is not changed. */

        /* Some time later the task wants to update the data in ucBuffer, and
        perform another write.  First it must ensure the previous write has
        completed. If it can successfully obtain the write mutex again then
        it knows it is safe to access ucBuffer. Again, a maximum block time of
        100ms is used. */
        xReturned = FreeRTOS_ioctl( xOpenedPort, ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX, ulMaxBlock100ms );
        if( xReturned == pdTRUE )
            /* The mutex was obtained, so the task can go ahead and update the
            buffer.  In this example, all it is going to do is clear it to zero. */
            memset( ucBuffer, 0, 100 );
            /* The task already holds the mutex, so can perform the write now. */
            xReturned = FreeRTOS_write( xOpenedPort, ucBuffer, 100 );
            /* Again - if at this point xReturned == 100, the write was successful,
            but will still be in progress. */

        /* Before exiting the function, the task wants to ensure the write has
        completed, but this time it does not want to perform another write itself,
        so uses the ioctlWAIT_PREVIOUS_WRITE_COMPLETE request code in place of the
        ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX request code in a call to FreeRTOS_ioctl(). */
        FreeRTOS_ioctl( xOpenedPort, ioctlWAIT_PREVIOUS_WRITE_COMPLETE, ulMaxBlock100ms );

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