Set to 1 to include timer functionality. The timer service task
will be automatically created as the RTOS scheduler starts when
configUSE_TIMERS is set to 1.
Sets the priority of the timer service task. Like all tasks,
the timer service task can run at any priority between 0 and
( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ).
This value needs to be chosen carefully to meet the requirements
of the application. For example, if the timer service task is
made the highest priority task in the system, then commands sent
to the timer service task (when a timer API function is called)
and expired timers will both get processed immediately. Conversely,
if the timer service task is given a low priority, then commands
sent to the timer service task and expired timers will not be
processed until the timer service task is the highest priority
task that is able to run. It is worth noting here however, that
timer expiry times are calculated relative to when a command is
sent, and not relative to when a command is processed.
This sets the maximum number of unprocessed commands that the
timer command queue can hold at any one time.
Reasons the timer command queue might fill up include:
Making multiple timer API function calls before the
RTOS scheduler has been started, and therefore before the
timer service task has been created.
Making multiple (interrupt safe) timer API function calls
from an interrupt service routine (ISR).
Making multiple timer API function calls from a task that
has a priority above that of the timer service task.
Sets the size of the stack (in words, not bytes) allocated to the
timer service task.
Timer callback functions execute in the context of the timer
service task. The stack requirement of the timer service task
therefore depends on the stack requirements of the timer callback
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